Danny Zalk

I am currently a private equity associate at The Riverside Company based in San Francisco, CA. Prior to joining Riverside, I was a private equity associate at Comvest Partners in West Palm Beach, FL and I began my career in investment banking at Piper Sandler in Minneapolis, MN. I graduated from St. Olaf College, a liberal arts school in Northfield, MN, with a B.A. in math and economics with a finance emphasis. Initially, I decided to pursue finance because I saw it as a combination of my two majors, math and economics, and looked at finance as a way for me to apply what I was learning in the "real world" (rarely talked about at a liberal arts school!). I then decided to pursue investment banking (i) because of pure luck that I was introduced to it my sophomore year by a few seniors during investment club and (ii) because I wanted to start my career somewhere where I would be constantly challenged and learning. Feel free to reach out if you are looking to get into middle market investment banking or private equity. Additionally, I am happy to speak to anyone who is interested in lateraling between private equity firms as I went through this process in the transition from Comvest to Riverside.

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