Lizzie Reedy

Hi! My name is Lizzie Reedy, and I am an investment banking analyst at Perella Weinberg Partners. I played golf at the University of Richmond and graduated in 2021 with B.S. in Business Administration with concentrations in Finance and Marketing. Coming from Atlanta, GA, I had little prior knowledge of Wall Street. However, I was hooked once upperclassmen mentors opened my eyes to what a career in finance would entail. The depth and breadth of learning opportunities that banking provides to a twenty-two year old is unparalleled. Also, the thought of mastering a new, highly marketable skillset appealed to me because as a student-athlete, I constantly strive to improve. I would not be where I am today if not for gracious mentors that selflessly guided me through my process. I want to be that person for you. As a woman coming from a non-target school who had little free time outside of classes and tournaments, I will advise on how to craft your story and how to efficiently prepare for technicals in order to set yourself apart from the stack. I am passionate about paying it forward and would love to help anyone obtain their dream internship/job in finance.

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