Ganggas Harjianto

My name is Ganggas Harjianto and I am a private equity investor at NewSpring Capital in the Philadelphia area. Prior to this role, I was a part of the lower middle market strategy at Main Street Capital Corporation in Houston and the leveraged finance group at SunTrust Robinson Humphrey (now Truist). I grew up in northern Delaware in a middle-class, immigrant household and attended the University of Delaware for undergrad, where I graduated with a degree in finance in 2017. Coming from a “non-core” / state school background, recruiting for my first role was a monumental challenge that taught me the power of forming and developing strong networks, and I can wholeheartedly say that I would not be where I am today without the help offered by those along the way. Finance is such an interesting field that allows you to test the limits of your knowledge, drive decision-making, and meet and interact with successful executives and peers from all walks of life, and as such, I am always eager to pay it forward and help out where I can. Feel free to reach out to me if you would like to learn more about (i) recruiting from a “non-core” background or (ii) the nuances of lower middle market private equity!

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Private Equity, NewSpring Capital Connor Callaway Private Equity, NewSpring Capital Connor Callaway

Ahan Patel

My name is Ahan Patel and I am a private equity analyst at NewSpring Capital just outside of Philadelphia, PA. I graduated from Villanova University in the Fall of 2020 with a BBA in finance and economics. I pursued a career in finance for two reasons a) because I wanted to work in a field where I could work with, analyze, and invest in different businesses; b) I wanted to be surrounded by driven and ambitious people who wanted a career path with more involvement than the traditional 9-5, like myself. I’m happy to help out with any questions anyone may have regarding investment banking or private equity, as I recruited for and interned in both fields. Many people choose to enter finance through investment banking; given that I took a slightly different path, I’d love to be a resource for anyone looking to enter private equity directly from undergrad.

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