Investment Banking, Stifel, Cantor Fitzgerald Connor Callaway Investment Banking, Stifel, Cantor Fitzgerald Connor Callaway

Georgia Holmes

Hello, my name is Georgia Holmes and I am currently an investment banking analyst at Cantor Fitzgerald in our technology group. Before Cantor, I did my first year as an analyst in the Global Technology Group at Stifel in New York, NY. I graduated from Cal Poly in June 2022 with a B.S. in Industrial Engineering. While I was initially interested in the design and development of physical products and software, later in my college career, I found myself wanting to figure out how companies ran more broadly. I wanted to understand what led to a company becoming successful and ended up in Investment Banking because of the challenges and opportunities for continuous development. As a woman from a non-business background, I’d be happy to speak to what drew me to finance and the challenges that surfaced when making the transition. Would also be happy to chat about what it is like to switch companies within IB.

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