Private Equity, PA Capital, Apogem Capital Connor Callaway Private Equity, PA Capital, Apogem Capital Connor Callaway

Olivia Schilsky

My name is Olivia Schilsky and I am currently a second year Private Equity Analyst at PA Capital in Richmond, VA. I graduated from the University of Richmond in 2019, with a BA in Business Administration and Leadership Studies and a concentration in Finance. As the daughter of a small business owner and entrepreneur I had always been drawn to the business world, but until attending college I knew nothing about finance. I chose to pursue a career in finance because I wanted to be challenged and surrounded by like-minded, intellectually curious, and determined people. I understand how intimidating the intricacies of the finance world can be, and I'm here to help! I can help you decide if finance is for you or guide you towards which career path may be the best fit. Happy to connect about school (lessons learned and most valuable classes taken), internships, recruiting, interviews (how to tell your story), private equity career paths (traditional and non-traditional), networking, and different ways to get your foot in the door. Can’t wait to chat!

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